Armadillo "5 minutes" lathe edition

Mechanical parts only for proxxon PD210/PD230/PD250 cnc retrofit

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200,00 € tax incl.

Elastical couplings mounting plates, spacers, bolts, washers and all other mechanical parts needed to convert a Proxxon PD210/PD230/PD250 lathe machine to Computer Numerical Control. Please choose your lathe model from the drop-down box.

PD210/PD230/PD250 edition is the latest in the "Armadillo 5 minutes" product series by ideegeniali: cnc retrofit conversion kits that are non intrusive, can be assembled and removed in 5 minutes, without special tools, by anyone, without modifications of any kind to the base machine, that can be restored in original status without anyone knowing it was switched to CNC. Armadillo product range is also appreciated for sobriety, innovative tecnological solutions, and general elegance look & feel.

This CNC retrofit is appreciated for elastical helical joints, wich enable high smoothness, quietness, precision and speed of positioning, unbeatable by other approaches. Three different materials has been used for parts building: aluminium, steel and brass, choosing them for their properties, and to match those by original machine in contacting parts, so not to abuse or scratch the machine, or haveing parts die by friction.

CNC conversion enables this small lathe to jobs only available in more complex and costly machines, such has radial patters, emispheres, and any other complex shape. But also you can do conventional linear, conical jobs, with the aid of screen shown coordinate system, wihtout counting rotations and reference lines on the knobs.

Finishing is always perfect thanks to the constant speed, electronically controlled, without needing an expert turner, anyone can now build parts on lathe. Lathe machines are known to freighten newbies, this is not the case with a CNC one, anyone can now turn himself into a turner!


Emisperical job: this is not possible on manual machine, due to coordinated axes movements required, but it is easy like a breeze on the CNC.


Movement dry tests: elastical couplings enable smooth, speedy, precise and quiet movements.


Assembly instructions for PD/230


Assembly instructions for PD/250



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